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Electrical Condition Reports (EICR)
Toucan is a leader in delivering EICR throughout Kent and the Southeast. Our fully-qualified technicians have more than three decades of experience you can rely on.
Image courtesy of Collingwood Lighting
NIC EIC Approved Contractor.
Kent County Council Trading Standards Checked. Trader ID K0770.

Step 1Consultation

Provide us with your drawings and specifications for thorough analysis, discussion and recommendation.


Step 2 Estimate

We will produce a detailed estimate for your consideration, based on the consultation phase.

site survey

Step 3 Site Survey

Site surveys will be conducted to assess the accuracy of the information submitted, and to provide any variation requirements .


Step 4 Installation

Deposits will be taken and works commenced on the agreed installation dates.

EICR Reports Ashford Based, Serving Kent & The South East

Whenever you hire an electrician to perform any type of electrical work on your premises, you want to be assured that are fully-qualified technicians that are trained to install electrical wiring correctly.

The electrical technicians are Toucan Electrical are fully trained, qualified and certified NICEIC engineers and surpass the technical standards required by UK regulations under BS7671. Furthermore, we are fully insured and approved by the Health & Safety Executive.

Our skilled and competent team of technicians has more than 30 years of experience performing all types of electrical installations, including designing complex systems, testing, maintenance and EICR certification.

Electrical Installation Certificates (EICs) and Minor Electrical Installation Works Certificates (MEIWCs) provide property owners with the peace of mind that their electrical installations are safe to use.

Toucan Electrical is based in Ashford and provides EICR reports and Landlord Electrical Safety Certificates across Kent and The South East.

NIC EIC Approved Contractor.EICR and Landlord Electrical Safety Certificates across Kent
What Is An Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR)?

What Is An Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR)?

An electrical installation condition report (EICR) is a comprehensive report to assess the safety of an existing electrical installation within a property. The purpose of the report is to identify any damage, deterioration, defects and/or conditions which could potentially present danger to the building inhabitants.

Wiring Regulations published as British Standard 7671 require landlords to have their property inspected and tested by a “qualified and competent” person every 5 years to ensure that national standards for electrical safety are met.

Homeowners may also be obligated to acquire an up-to-date inspection of electrical circuits before the sale of a property. Homeowners are advised to acquire an EICR every 10 years.

EICR reports are more detailed than Visual Inspection Report (VIR) because it involves assessing various circuits to test the integrity of the installation. This allows trained electricians to identify potential defects or issues that cannot be detected during a VIR. The reports also include recommendations if improvements can be made.

Depending on the size of the property, an EICR takes between three to four hours. Our fully-qualified and trained technicians are available to perform EICR for private and commercial properties throughout Kent and the southeast.

 The Go-To Expert For Electrical Condition Reports in Kent

The Go-To Expert For Electrical Condition Reports in Kent

With over 30 years of experience in performing all types of electrical installations throughout Kent and the southeast, our knowledgeable technicians recognise the importance of providing a comprehensive and thorough service that gives our customers complete peace of mind.

Our focus has always been and will always be on safety and efficiency. That’s why our highly skilled NICEIC technicians deliver high-quality results. We believe it is our dedication to providing a superior level of service that makes Toucan a leader in electrical installation condition reports in Kent.

We also take pride in the work we perform every time, so no matter how big or small the project is, our conscientious technicians are committed to providing a high-quality service. If you want the best, Toucan is the go-to expert for EICR in Kent and the Southeast.


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EICR Report F'A'Q'S

What is an Electrical Condition Report (EICR)?
Why is an EICR important?
How often should an EICR be carried out?
Does Toucan Electrical carry out EICR inspections?
How long does an EICR inspection take?
What happens if an EICR identifies a problem?
Can Toucan Electrical provide a quote for an EICR inspection?

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